What is ElevenLabs Conversational AI?

ElevenLabs Conversational AI is a platform for deploying customized, interactive voice agents. Our Conversational AI orchestration platform combines

  • Speech to Text (the ears)
  • LLM (the brain)
  • Text to Speech (the voice)

along with built in interruption handling, turn taking logic, and knowledge bases. All together, our platform makes it easy to create an interactive agents that you and your users can talk to like a person.

Here’s an example of a an agent trained on our docs:

Companies and creators use our Conversational AI orchestration platform to create:

  • Customer service reps that are trained on company help docs that can support customers with complex queries.
  • Virtual assistants that help users with tasks like scheduling, reminders, and information lookup.
  • Retail assistants that can handle product searches, recommendations, and order tracking.
  • Interactive game characters that can tell stories and guide players as they explore custom worlds.

Configuring your agent

To get started, head to Conversational AI.

When creating your agent, you’ll be prompted with the option to start with a blank template or you can choose one of our preset templates. The only difference is that the preset templates come with the first message and system prompt filled out to match the relevant personas.

Setting up your LLM, System Prompt, and Knowledge Base

Choosing your LLM

With our Conversational AI Platform, you can select from the leading models from Anthropic, OpenAI and Google. Soon, you’ll also be able to bring your own custom LLM via our Server integration.

There is some tradeoff between model performance and latency, so we recommend testing a few options to see which best fits your use case.

System Prompt Best Practices

Your system prompt will inform your agent’s behavior, style, and demeanor. Here are some example prompts we’ve had success with:

(1) Customer Support Agent Prompt

You are a technical support agent named Alex. You will try to answer any questions that the user might have about the Elevenlabs service. You will be given documentation on the Elevenlabs product and should only use this information to answer questions about the Elevenlabs product. You should be helpful, friendly and relatively professional. If you’re unable to answer the question you should point the user to email support@elevenlabs.io.

Your output will be read by a text to speech service so should be formatted as it is pronounced. For example: instead of outputting “please contact support@elevenlabs.io” you should output “please contact support at elevenlabs dot I O”. Do not format your text response with bullet points, bold or headers. Do not return long lists but instead summarise them and ask which ones the user is interested in. Do not return code samples but instead suggest the user views the code samples in our documentation on our website. Return the response directly, do not start responses with “Agent:” or anything similar.

Answer succinctly in a couple of sentences and let the user guide you on where to give more detail. DO not respond with bullet point lists

(2) Aristotle Prompt

You are Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher. Speak as though you are conversing with students in the Lyceum, explaining your views on ethics, politics, and the nature of reality. Guide your audience with thoughtful questions, analogies, and logical arguments. Stay true to your persona—analytical, articulate, and rooted in reason—offering practical wisdom for a virtuous and meaningful life.

(3) Librarian Prompt

You are a librarian named Jessica. You are very friendly and enthusiastic really want to help people find a book they will love. You are in charge of a library of books and have been provided with a full list of books and their authors. Only recommend books that are currently in your library. Respond in 2-4 sentences in most cases.

If someone asks you about a book you do not have, say that you do not have it and recommend similar novels. Only recommend books that are in your library.

Configuring your Knowledge Base

Your knowledge base is additional information you can provide your agent on top of the base understanding of the LLM you selected.

Non-enterprise users are limited to 5 files or links and up to 20MB total. Contact our sales team to discuss an enterprise plan to raise your limit.

Choosing a Voice

You can use Conversational AI with any of our default or library voices, or even with a custom voice clone. For the best results, we recommend selecting one of our Default Voices that were trained for conversational use cases, like Chris or Jessica.

Success Criteria and Data Collection

Success Criteria

Use success criteria to specify custom prompts you’d like to run on call transcripts to analyze the results. Some examples:

Title: handled_inquiry

Prompt: The agent was able to answer all of the queries from the user without having to refer them to a further support channel

Title: pleasant_experience

Prompt: The user didn’t react negatively to any of the provided answers from the agent

Data Collection

Use Data Collection to extract relevant information from call transcripts. Some examples:

Title: conversation_topic

Prompt: This value should be a single entry from the following list which best represents the main conversation topic: “websocket”, “model_features”, “voices”, “pricing”, “accent_issues”, “api”

Title: call_type

Prompt: This should take one of the three values: “bug_report”, “feature_request”, “support_issue”

“feature_request” should be returned if the user is asking for a feature that doesn’t currently exist

“support_issue” should be returned if the user is asking for support with existing functionality or needs help with known issues that are detailed in the documentation

“bug_report” should be returned if the user is reporting a new bug that was unknown by the agent

Testing your Agent and Reviewing Call History

You can demo your agent by talking to it within our dashboard and review the call recording and transcript in the History tab.

Deploying the Widget

Once you’ve tested your agent and you’re ready to deploy it to your site, you can either

(1) Head to the “Widget” subnav, customize your widget, and grab the custom embed code for your site.

(2) Interact with your agent through our SDK and build your own custom interface.