Conversational AI Dashboard

Monitor and analyze your agents’ performance effortlessly.


The Agents Dashboard provides real-time insights into your Conversational AI agents. It displays performance metrics over customizable time periods. You can review data for individual agents or across your entire workspace.


You can monitor activity over various daily, weekly, and monthly time periods.

Dashboard view showing last day metrics
Dashboard view for Last Day
Dashboard view showing last month metrics
Dashboard view for Last Month

The dashboard can be toggled to show different metrics, including: number of calls, average duration, total cost, and average cost.

Language Breakdown

A key benefit of Conversational AI is the ability to support multiple languages. The Language Breakdown section shows the percentage of calls (overall, or per-agent) in each language.

Language breakdown showing percentage of calls in each language
Language Breakdown

Active Calls

At the top left of the dashboard, the current number of active calls is displayed. This real-time counter reflects ongoing sessions for your workspace’s agents, and is also accessible via the API.

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