What is Generative AI Audio? Everything You Need to Know

AI Audio is reshaping sound and industry. You’ll learn about text-to-speech, voice cloning, video translation, and other emerging tech – then see how it affects business.

Introduction to AI Audio

With new tech developments making the unimaginable reality, it can be hard to keep up. This article will get you up to speed on the fast-evolving world of AI-driven audio and look at how it can benefit you.

We’ll start with an exploration of AI text-to-speech (AI TTS) – an exciting technology that's revolutionizing the way we interact with audio. But it doesn't stop there; we're going to cover the entire realm of generative AI audio, from voice cloning to AI dubbing and beyond.

AI-Powered Audio – Why It Matters

Throughout this guide, you’ll learn the powerful capabilities of AI-driven audio technologies and see how they're driving change across industries. This tech offers many compelling advantages and is reshaping the landscape of audio generation. 

Perhaps most important is the speed and accuracy of AI TTS, which can produce voices that are virtually indistinguishable from human speech. It’s recently opened audio production to a much greater audience as AI TTS and generative audio now offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional voice recording and dubbing.

AI audio also plays a huge role in enhancing accessibility as it makes digital content more inclusive. This translates into enriched user experiences across various platforms, offering a dynamic auditory dimension to user interactions. This impact of generative AI audio is especially prominent in film, gaming, and content creation, where it’s rapidly gaining popularity.

Before we dive deep into AI audio, let's ensure we're all on the same page. We'll explore each term further, but we’ll begin with a simple definition of the key terms.

AI Generative Audio - Key Terms
AI Generative Audio - Key Terms
Term Definition
AI text-to-speech (AI TTS): Converts written text into lifelike spoken words using artificial intelligence algorithms and voice synthesis technology.
AI generative voices: Are lifelike, customizable voices created by artificial intelligence models that provide an array of pitches and accents for diverse applications.
AI voice cloning: Involves creating an artificial replica of a person's voice by employing advanced AI algorithms and deep learning methods.
AI dubbing: Uses artificial intelligence to seamlessly replace audio content in movies, videos, or games – often for localization or translation.
AI music: Creates and enhances musical pieces through generative AI models, machine learning techniques, and specialized music generation algorithms.

The Possibilities of AI Audio

AI-driven audio technologies are more than just buzzwords; they're transforming the way we experience and interact with audio. More industries are supported daily, but to highlight a few real-life examples: early adopters are enjoying their favorite books read by a narrator of their choosing, AI anime dubbing is increasing accessibility, and AI-generated podcasts are now gaining traction.

Read on to learn how generative audio works and understand its effect across industries. Let's begin our journey with a closer look at AI text-to-speech.

Understanding AI Text-to-Speech (AI TTS)

AI-driven audio technologies are developing incredibly fast. However, to truly appreciate these innovations, it's essential to understand the cornerstone on which they're built. Enter AI text-to-speech (AI TTS). In this section, we’ll explore the history, functionality, and significant impact text-to-voice technology is making across industries.

What is AI Text-to-Speech?

AI text-to-speech is a complex technology with a straightforward purpose – it converts written text prompts into lifelike spoken words. It achieves this feat through sophisticated algorithms and advanced voice synthesis techniques. Content creation, consumption, and accessibility have all been transformed by this new era of AI audio.

Want to Give It a Try?

Our AI text to speech technology delivers thousands of high-quality, human-like voices in 32 languages. Whether you’re looking for a free text to speech solution or a premium voice AI service for commercial projects, our tools can meet your needs

A Journey Through History

To truly grasp the magnitude of AI TTS's advancement, it's crucial to take a brief journey through its history. Text-to-speech technology has come a long way from its early days when synthesized voices often sounded robotic and emotionless. 

Efforts to mimic human speech span centuries, with various attempts in the 1800s involving mechanical vocal cords, tongues, and lips. These early endeavors were clumsy and extremely limited in their output. The first successful electronic TTS attempts emerged in the late 1950s, yet even more recent examples lack the quality we now expect as standard. Consider the iconic voice of Stephen Hawking or the artificial tone used in early car navigation systems:

“Please take the next left to arrive at your destination.”

At the time, this level of synthesized speech was considered cutting-edge. Today, AI TTS brings a level of realism to voice generation that was once unimaginable – even conveying emotions.

How Does AI TTS Work?

At the core of AI TTS is the ability to analyze text and understand its nuances. Consider the way you read a sentence – you intuitively perceive where the intonation should rise and fall, how common phrases should flow off the tongue, and understand how punctuation affects the overall delivery of a sentence.

The development of AI is a vast field, but at a high level, deep learning and neural networks have been pivotal. These advancements enable modern AI TTS models to decipher the text, determine the appropriate intonations, and synthesize them into spoken words. This process involves training the AI with vast datasets of human speech, enabling it to generate voices that are not only indistinguishable from humans but also able to communicate feelings and nuanced meanings.

Foundation for Generative AI Audio

AI TTS is impressive in its own right, but its value really becomes apparent when it’s used as a building block for more complex AI audio programs. It’s the cornerstone upon which other generative AI audio tools are built. The natural, lifelike voices produced by AI TTS become the raw material for applications like voice cloning, dubbing, and much more. 

AI TTS’s Impact on Diverse Industries

Understanding AI text-to-speech as the bedrock of generative AI audio is crucial for appreciating the full potential of this technology. With its rich history, impressive functionality, and widespread impact, AI TTS sets the stage for the transformative technologies we'll explore next.

As AI becomes more adept at understanding complex inputs, the distinctions between audio, text-to-image, and chatbot models will dissolve, allowing AI to perform cross-medium tasks seamlessly.” – Ignaz Kowalczuk, Head of Comms, ElevenLabs

From AI voiceovers in education and entertainment to conversational, realistic voice chatbots in healthcare and customer service – AI TTS is popping up across numerous industries. In the upcoming sections, we'll look in greater detail at how the efficiency and quality of AI TTS are supporting audio innovation within each of these industries.

Continue reading to discover the intriguing (and occasionally scary) world of AI voice cloning, and how it's altering the way we perceive voice reproduction.

Crafting Lifelike Voices: AI Voice Cloning and Generative Voices

There are two critical developments driving innovation in the space: AI voice cloning and generative voices. In this section, you’ll learn how we can create lifelike voices using advanced artificial intelligence models and receive a simplified explanation of what’s going on behind the scenes.

Here are some clones of Freya and James (both available on the ElevenLabs platform):

Freya - Real


Freya - Clone


James - Real


James - Clone


AI Voice Cloning: The Art of Replicating Voices

Creating an artificial replica of a person’s voice is the goal of voice cloning – we want to create a digital copy of the voice that’s indistinguishable from the original. This is made possible through the use of cutting-edge algorithms and deep learning techniques.

Our AI-based voice cloning works a bit like a talented impersonator. Imagine a skilled mimic who can perfectly copy someone's voice and speech patterns. You can think of our technology as the digital form of this impersonator.

Here's how it works: First, we have something called a "speaker encoder." Think of this as the impersonator listening to the person's voice and understanding their unique characteristics. It learns how they talk, their pitch, intonation, and their accent.

Next, we have the "generator." This is where the impersonator takes all the things it learned and starts speaking for the person. It's like they're wearing a mask of that person's voice, and whatever text you give, they say it just like the original person would.

But without feedback, we could end up with some very bad quality voices, so we also have a "discriminator." This part acts like a judge, deciding whether the impersonator's voice sounds real or fake. If it doesn’t accurately mimic the original voice, it gets rejected and the other parts are told to try again.

By training these three parts with lots of speech data, our AI-based voice generator becomes a master impersonator – it understands all the nuances that make voices unique. The voices it generates are so realistic that you could easily mistake it for the real person speaking. 

This opens the door for a range of applications, from voice assistants that mimic famous personalities to personalized narration for audiobooks. Once limited to science fiction, the ability to replicate voices with high fidelity is now an everyday reality. 

Want to Clone Your Voice?

Visit our Voice Lab to create your first cloned voice. It only takes a 1-minute audio sample to generate a replica of your voice.

Automate video voiceovers, ad reads, podcasts, and more, in your own voice

Generative Voices: Crafting Unique and Customizable Tones

Generative voices, on the other hand, represent the pinnacle of AI audio synthesis. Artificial intelligence models power a synthetic voice generator that can be finely customized to offer an array of pitches, accents, and tones. The result is an almost unlimited set of diverse, lifelike voices that can be tailored to suit various applications.

AI generative voices utilize similar neural network audio generation and deep learning processes as above, but the “speaker encoder” is artificially generated based on the voice requirements passed to it. As these models are trained on massive datasets of human speech, they can grasp the nuances of spoken language and the subtleties of emotion. The outcome is a limitless palette of voices that can convey a wide range of feelings, from excitement to empathy. This makes them ideal for applications where emotional expressiveness is important.

Applications and Scenarios for Generative Voices

AI generative voices offer a range of applications across diverse industries. 

  • In entertainment, they breathe life into animated characters with authentic-sounding dialogues.
  • In education, they enable personalized learning experiences by allowing users to choose their preferred 'teacher.'
  • Digital assistants can converse with users in a natural and engaging manner.
  • Content creators can create new material faster, cheaper, and maintain consistently high quality.
  • Businesses can boost user engagement and accessibility by providing a human touch to automated services.

Check Out the Voices Our Users Have Generated

Why not take a minute and browse some user-generated voices? Search and filtering tools make it easy to find the perfect voice.

Our AI text to speech technology delivers thousands of high-quality, human-like voices in 32 languages. Whether you’re looking for a free text to speech solution or a premium voice AI service for commercial projects, our tools can meet your needs

These are just a small sample of the ways AI generative voices are being used to create a better experience for the end user. Continue reading to uncover the impact of lifelike generative voices in the domains of film, gaming, content creation, and more.

AI in Audio Dubbing and Content Creation

With a solid grasp of AI text-to-speech, AI voice cloning, and generative voices, we're now ready to look closer at how it’s being applied to audio dubbing and content creation. 

AI in the Film Industry

The world of film is undergoing an AI-powered revolution in audio dubbing and localization. Imagine this: a classic foreign film, beautifully dubbed in your native language, with the voices of your favorite actors flowing effortlessly from the lips of the characters. It's not just science fiction; AI-driven audio technology is making this a reality. 

Using AI voice dubbing tools, filmmakers can seamlessly replace audio content, ensuring a global audience can enjoy the movie in their preferred language. It’s already being implemented; North American streaming service, Topic, is using the technology to make their foreign language catalog available to English speakers.

AI in the Gaming Industry

The applications in gaming are immense. Whether it’s delivering dynamic and expressive dialogues for non-playable characters (NPCs), as in our collaboration with Inworld, or perfecting the dubbing of in-game narratives – AI excels at creating lifelike voices that enhance the audio experience for players.

Furthermore, we’ve recently teamed up with the metaverse game, BUD, to make it easy for players to convert in-game text to realistic voices. This brings a new level of immersion to user-created experiences that go beyond graphics and gameplay. 

AI in Content Creation

Content creators across the digital landscape are welcoming AI into their workflows. With the ability to generate high-quality, natural-sounding voices and narrations, AI is speeding up the content creation process, reducing costs, and ensuring consistency in quality. 

Whether you're a YouTuber looking to add a professional voiceover to your videos, want the perfect voice for TikTok voiceovers, or are a podcaster seeking to reach non-native audiences, AI-driven audio tools have got you covered. 

You only have to open a TikTok feed and you’ll quickly find examples of content creator success stories – millions of views on channels that rely on audio content automation. Marketers, professional content creators, and hobbyists are all finding creative uses for generative audio. The possibilities are vast and novel uses are emerging each day.

Want to See the Power of AI Dubbing?

Try our free AI dubbing tool. You can upload a video or share a link from popular video platforms such as YouTube, X (Twitter), and TikTok.

Translate audio and video while preserving the emotion, timing, tone and unique characteristics of each speaker

Continue reading to see how generative audio is improving accessibility and creating virtual reality (VR) experiences that are truly immersive.

AI Audio for Accessibility and Immersion in Virtual Reality

The capabilities of generative AI audio extend far beyond entertainment; they’re playing a pivotal role in enhancing accessibility for a wider audience. Extending this further, AI-driven audio is reshaping the landscape of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), bringing immersive experiences to life with realistic voices and interactive narratives.

Making Digital Content Inclusive

To show how AI-driven audio technologies promote inclusivity and accessibility, let's look at the life-changing power of these advancements with Mark.

Mark is an avid reader and an enthusiastic learner. However, Mark faces a significant challenge – he’s visually impaired, which makes reading standard text a struggle. This obstacle often leaves him feeling excluded from the wealth of information and entertainment available online.

Everything changed when Mark discovered AI-powered online reader software. This powerful technology instantly converts written content into lifelike spoken words. As he explored the capabilities of the AI text reader, Mark felt an unprecedented sense of freedom and empowerment. No longer hindered by his visual limitations, he could access and enjoy digital content effortlessly.

The AI reader software lets Mark enjoy his favorite books, stay updated on news articles, and even pursue online courses. The digital world, once a challenge, is now his accessible playground. 

Mark’s not alone; according to WHO research, there are over 2.2 billion people with impaired vision. To make things easier for all these users like Mark, we’re soon releasing our very own Chrome extension reader – designed to enhance the accessibility of digital content further.

Digital accessibility can be difficult, but AI text-to-speech is making it easier for people with disabilities to consume online content. AI-powered screen readers convert text into a natural, easy-to-listen-to AI reading voice, which offers an enriched browsing experience for visually impaired users. Furthermore, AI audio also supports inclusive education as it ensures educational content is available to all, regardless of language or reading ability.

AI Audio in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are all about immersive experiences. Until recently, the focus has been on the visual aspect, but AI audio offers the missing ingredient to create a multisensory, authentic virtual world.

Enhanced Interactivity

In VR and AR, the ability to interact with your digital environment is key. AI audio adds a new layer of interactivity, allowing users to converse naturally with AI characters. As the NPCs are AI, users can have free-flowing conversations and receive real-time, context-aware responses. Whether you're exploring a historical simulation, solving puzzles, or engaging in social interactions, AI audio enriches the experience.

Maintaining a Digital Persona

In some of these immersive environments, maintaining a digital persona is part of the appeal. An AI character voice generator ensures that your avatar’s voice is not only realistic but also capable of conveying emotions and nuances. As a result, virtual reality becomes more than just a visual experience; it becomes a way to express yourself with sound and emotions.

AI Audio Goes Beyond Entertainment

Screen readers play a transformative role in enhancing accessibility for those who need it most. Going a step further, generative AI voices elevate VR and AR experiences to new heights. The synergy between AI and audio opens the door to new possibilities and inclusivity. 

The result? Digital content and immersive simulations become more accessible and engaging for everyone.

In the next section, we explore the ethical considerations surrounding AI voice technology and the responsible use of these powerful tools.

Ethical Considerations in AI Voice Technology

We’ve seen just how powerful generative audio is, but as with any advanced tool, it requires a discussion about responsible use. As AI voice technology involves huge datasets, there are obvious concerns about data protection and privacy infringement. However, there are a handful of unique issues that need to be considered for ethical AI voice technology.

Voice Cloning Without Consent

Meme videos powered by realistic Spongebob and Joe Rogan AI text-to-speech generators might seem harmless and good fun, but there’s a darker side to this trend. As celebrity voice cloning continues to gain in popularity, we’ll see more people using the tech for fraudulent purposes.

The ability to make a convincing replica of someone’s voice has obvious concerns. It’s easy to imagine how a deepfake voice clone of Donald Trump could be used to drive a misinformation campaign. On a smaller scale, there’s been an increase in scammers using AI voice replicators and there are also security issues with voice authentication.

Is Ethical Voice Cloning Possible?

“Ensuring ethical use of AI is paramount. We’re working collaboratively to establish industry standards and promote responsible use of AI audio technology.” – Jan Czarnocki, Legal Counsel, ElevenLabs 

As long as the correct steps are taken, then we think it’s possible. Our Terms of Service only allow voice cloning if you have the person’s consent. For added transparency, we've developed an AI Speech Classifier capable of identifying audio clips generated by ElevenLabs.

It’s worth pointing out that our AI audio tools power several of our ‘competitors’, so the AI Speech Classifier can detect voice clones from many of the top generative audio companies.

Legislation and Regulation

The automation of voice-related tasks will increasingly replace human jobs in areas such as animated films, customer service, and content creation. Regulatory bodies need to think about the potential impact on workers and how to support a fair transition for those affected.

Additionally, a legal framework surrounding AI voice technology needs to be established to safeguard against misuse, protect user rights, and encourage responsible development. For example, there are discussions underway about which parties should be held accountable for unethical use or consequences arising from AI-generated audio. To this end, we’re working with partners such as Loccus to create industry standards for fair and ethical AI voice technology.

The responsible development and application of these powerful AI audio tools are vital to ensure we mitigate risks and maximize the benefits. As we look toward the future, it's essential to engage in discussions and develop guidelines that promote the ethical use of AI voice technology.

The Future of Generative AI Audio

You’ve gained an understanding of the current landscape of AI audio technology, and it's clear we're on the brink of a revolution; AI-driven audio, realistic AI text-to-speech, generative voices, voice cloning, and more are dramatically changing the way we interact with sound. 

But what’s coming next for this transformative technology?

“We’re at the forefront of AI audio innovation, and the integration of AI audio into everyday life is not a distant future but an imminent reality.” – Mati Staniszewski, CEO, ElevenLabs

AI Audio in Everyday Life

The integration of AI audio into our daily lives is inevitable. Statista estimates that by 2024, there will be 8.4 billion digital voice assistants being used around the world – this is double the 4.2 billion in 2020.

With this in mind, it’s no surprise that developments such as AI-driven personal voice assistants are just around the corner. Google Assistant is already testing a conversational integration with their generative AI, Bard. 

AI-enhanced live voice improvement (also called AI voice modulation) during calls is set to elevate communication quality. Call centers and real-time communication platforms will be able to enhance voice clarity, suppress background noise, and even help users express themselves more effectively. 

Market research and customer feedback analysis will be revolutionized with AI-driven sentiment analysis of voice data. By automatically gauging the emotional tone and context of spoken conversations, businesses can gain deeper insights into customer satisfaction and refine their products and services accordingly. When combined with AI voice customer service tools, this data can determine the best tone of voice and cadence to soothe an angry customer. 

Perhaps further in the future, we’ll see a marketing approach that notes your voice preferences. Would a deep male voice or a bubbly female voice make you more likely to buy? The marketing world will quickly integrate AI audio into the variables they A/B test.

This personalized approach to audio will likely progress from marketing into all the content you consume. Your voice preferences will be noted and used to deliver the optimal audio experience across diverse industries, from healthcare to entertainment.

AI Audio Trends Will Continue

Inclusive Technologies:

AI audio is already making digital content accessible to individuals with disabilities. This trend will accelerate with the development of more AI tools and solutions that prioritize accessibility and diversity.

AI Voice Cloning and Security:

Currently, we can create voices virtually indistinguishable to human ears. As the technology progresses to perfect replicas of the human voice, it will become increasingly hard for computers to detect deepfake voice clones and fraudulent voice use. The ongoing battle between those who develop AI voice cloning technology and those who seek to misuse it will demand advancements in security measures.

Educational and Career Opportunities: 

AI audio will present new educational and career prospects. Individuals who understand and harness the potential of AI-driven audio will find themselves in demand across various fields: everything from content creation and voice acting to AI development and cybersecurity.

The Future of AI Audio Is Promising and Complex

The above are just a few examples of developments we can expect. AI audio technology is still young and there are bound to be novel uses we’ve not yet considered. Statista expects the AI market size to increase by 788% between 2023 and 2030. 

The AI audio industry holds immense potential for reshaping the way we communicate, consume content, and interact with the world around us.

In the next section, we'll explain how you can create an AI voice and discuss the pros and cons of the best AI voice generators online.

ElevenLabs Vs. Competitors

When it comes to AI audio, the industry is teeming with tools and platforms, each striving to carve its niche. ElevenLabs, however, distinguishes itself from the competition by offering a unique blend of features and capabilities that set our AI audio solutions apart. Let's explore how our offerings stack up against some key competitors in the market.

ElevenLabs vs. Speechify, Narakeet, Murf.ai, and Natural Readers

Many popular AI audio platforms, such as Speechify, Narakeet, Murf.ai, and Natural Readers, struggle with the quality of their generated voices. Users often encounter hiccups in delivery, cadence, or tone that disrupt immersion and reveal the synthetic nature of the voice. 

Here at ElevenLabs, we take a different approach. High-quality voices indistinguishable from a real-life human are our standard – we create voices so realistic you won’t realize they’re AI-generated.

ElevenLabs vs. Lovo.ai and Play.ht

Lovo.ai and Play.ht offer good-quality voices, but users may find it challenging to select the perfect voice for their specific needs. 

Here's where ElevenLabs takes the lead. We provide a diverse array of 120 pre-created voices, so you have a wide selection to choose from. But we go a step further, as we also let you generate completely custom voices. With ElevenLabs, you don't have to sift through hundreds of voice samples to find the right fit. 

Instead, all you need to do is specify the gender, age, accent, and strength of the accent you desire – we'll create a 100% unique voice tailored to your preferences. Not quite what you're looking for? No problem, you can easily regenerate to obtain a brand-new voice that aligns perfectly with your audio requirements.

Comparison of AI Audio Tools

In the competitive landscape of AI audio, ElevenLabs stands out as the go-to choice.

As you’ve seen we prioritize high-quality and life-like voices, but we also make AI audio simple. Our goal is to bring the technology to a range of industries and create a smooth, easy-to-use, and customizable workflow for each use case.

We already offer a realistic text-to-speech free AI voice generator, voice cloning software, a long-form AI TTS tool, an automatic AI dubbing tool, a powerful API, and much more that’s coming soon.

Our commitment to providing unmatched audio solutions continues to set us apart, ensuring that ElevenLabs users enjoy the best of both worlds – quality and convenience.

Ready to Experience the Best AI Audio Has to Offer?

Our AI text to speech technology delivers thousands of high-quality, human-like voices in 32 languages. Whether you’re looking for a free text to speech solution or a premium voice AI service for commercial projects, our tools can meet your needs

Unique Ways Customers Are Using AI Audio

In this section, we’ll look at some unique AI audio use cases powered by ElevenLabs’ tech. With a focus on real-world functionality, we'll look at both small personal uses and large industry-changing projects that highlight the versatility and strengths of our tools.

Reconnecting Through Voice Cloning

In the ElevenLabs Discord server, we’ve had multiple users voice-clone deceased relatives. Now, we know this isn’t for everyone, but some users find this helps cope with loss. It allows users to get closure, revisit fond memories (with the voice reading treasured letters), or help families reminisce together.

“I think it's crazy that an AI Model can create ‘beautiful’ things. I've instant-cloned the voice of a deceased person I know, and now I can resurrect him when I need.” – Adam, Discord member

We’ve also had people clone a passed family member’s voice and use it to narrate the book they published before they departed. Can you imagine how the user will feel when they listen to this AI audiobook narration in their loved one’s voice?

Restoring Lost and Damaged Voices

More examples of the emotional impact of AI audio are available when we look at users who can’t communicate the way they used to. These user reactions offer a good example of how transformative voice cloning can be:“This is suuuuuuper important to me, as I have lost my voice. Literally. I can only whisper today, after having been intubated. My vocal cords are paralyzed about halfway open.” – Aaron, Discord member

“I lost my voice permanently due to cancer of the larynx. Would it be possible to train AI my voice from old video tapes I have lying around? I can't wait to use this tech to get my voice back...” – Vince, Discord member

Generating Audiobooks in Minutes

Shifting into a professional application, our Projects tool makes it easy for users to create high-quality long-form audio across a range of languages. The unique challenges of doing this with manual voice recordings are apparent: scale, cost, and speed. How many hours would it take to record and edit a book in just one language?

One remarkable example of how this can be used is our case study with publisher, Lukeman Literary. They used Projects to quickly generate audiobooks and support multilingual expansion by releasing in multiple languages. This lets them cater to a global audience with diverse linguistic preferences.

“Despite the clear benefits of digital narration, we were not willing to embrace the new technology until a company came along with a narration of groundbreaking quality, one that could match a natural human voice. In ElevenLabs’ new product, we have found this quality.” – Noah Lukeman, President & Founder of Lukeman Literary

Innovations in AI Audio and Beyond

These unique use cases, customer testimonials, and case studies showcase the versatile nature of ElevenLabs' AI audio technology. From Enterprise AI audio projects breaking linguistic barriers to profoundly personal emotional experiences, our solutions continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with AI audio.


We’ve taken a detailed journey through the world of AI audio and learned about the transformative technologies reshaping our relationship with sound. From realistic TTS and generative voices to voice cloning and automatic audio dubbing, the potential for AI industry adoption is huge.

The current AI technology landscape has already shown the importance of AI audio – enhanced user experiences, cost savings, improved accessibility, and new opportunities for businesses.

However, the future looks set to be even more exciting. With new uses for AI technology appearing almost daily, we expect to see a boom in adoption across industries such as healthcare, banking, education, marketing, and more – and don’t forget about all the uses for accessibility.

How to Get Started With AI Audio?

If you’re as excited as us about the potential of all things AI audio then you’re in the right place.

ElevenLabs stands as a leading provider in the AI audio industry, offering state-of-the-art solutions that prioritize lifelike voices and user-centric customization. Our commitment to quality and convenience keeps us at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field.

A good place to start is our Speech Synthesis page. Our free text-to-speech AI lets you trial the technology and see if it’s right for your needs.

Think Generative AI Audio Is a Good Fit for Your Business?

We know it’s tricky integrating new tech into your business. We’d love to make it easy for you. Reach out and we’ll see how we can help.

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