Iconic Voices

Legendary voices, unforgettable listening

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Where iconic voices transform every story

ElevenLabs is proud to collaborate with some of the world’s most iconic voices, securing exclusive licenses to create unique and immersive reading experiences.

Experience our select Iconic Voices

Deepak Chopra™
Judy Garland™
Jerry Garcia™
Dr. Maya Angelou™
Deepak Chopra™
Judy Garland™
Jerry Garcia™
Dr. Maya Angelou™

Experience the unforgettable magic of iconic voices with AI narration

ElevenLabs is synonymous with quality, and that's why we're bringing together industry icons to make your reading journey even more enjoyable. Legendary voices from television, film, literature, and beyond are being made exclusively available through the ElevenReader App, ready to narrate your favorite masterpieces.

Featured icons

Dr. Maya Angelou™

Dr. Maya Angelou was a renowned poet, author, activist, and civil rights leader.

Burt Reynolds™

Burt Reynolds was a popular American actor known for his roles in action films and comedies.

Sir Laurence Olivier™

Sir Laurence Olivier was a renowned British actor and director, celebrated for his Shakespearean performances.

Jerry Garcia™

Jerry Garcia was the lead guitarist, singer, and co-founder of the rock band Grateful Dead.


Judy Garland™

Judy Garland was a legendary American actress and singer, best known for The Wizard of Oz.

John Wayne™

John Wayne was an iconic American actor, famous for his roles in Western films.

Deepak Chopra™

Deepak Chopra is a prominent author and speaker, known for his work on alternative medicine and spirituality.

James Dean™

James Dean was an iconic American actor, known for his portrayals of rebellious characters.


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