Twilio native integration

Learn how to configure inbound calls for your agent with Twilio.


This guide shows you how to connect a Twilio phone number to your conversational AI agent to handle inbound calls.

You will learn to:

  • Import an existing Twilio phone number.
  • Link it to your agent to handle inbound calls.




Import a Twilio phone number

In the Conversational AI dashboard, go to the Phone Numbers tab.

Conversational AI phone numbers page

Next, fill in the following details:

  • Label: A descriptive name (e.g., Customer Support Line).
  • Phone Number: The Twilio number you want to use.
  • Twilio SID: Your Twilio Account SID.
  • Twilio Token: Your Twilio Auth Token.

You can find your account SID and auth token in the Twilio admin console.

Phone number configuration

ElevenLabs automatically configures the Twilio phone number with the correct settings.

Twilio phone number configuration


Assign your agent

Once the number is imported, select the agent that will handle inbound calls for this phone number.

Select agent for inbound calls

Test the agent by giving the phone number a call. Your agent is now ready to handle inbound calls and engage with your customers.

Monitor your first few calls in the Calls History dashboard to ensure everything is working as expected.

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