Comparing the leading online text-to-speech platforms in 2023

Convert content into lifelike, captivating audio

Dive into a world where the eloquence of written words magically transforms into the vibrant melodies of speech. Picture a realm where text comes to life, resonating in various accents and tones—from the riveting depth of a British narrator to the enchanting cadence of a French storyteller—all with the mere click of a button.

This isn't the narration of a futuristic novel but the enthralling world of online text-to-speech (TTS) technology in 2023.

There’s no doubt about it, we’re living in the world of AI, where the boundary between written text and spoken word blurs, granting both businesses and individuals the power to convert content into lifelike, captivating audio without ever stepping into a recording studio.

As the digital horizon expands, the choices are aplenty, making the search for the quintessential online TTS solution a thrilling adventure.

So, as we embark on this voyage, let's unveil the best online text-to-speech platforms of this year and discern how ElevenLabs emerges in this competitive arena.

What is text-to-speech: a glimpse into its evolution

At its core, text-to-speech (TTS) is the alchemical process of converting written content into audible speech. Yet, in recent years, this realm has been metamorphosed, predominantly by advancements in artificial intelligence.

Gone are the days of robotic, monotonous voices reminiscent of early computer systems. Today, the resonant notes of text-to-speech creations are so refined, so life-like, that they're nearly indistinguishable from human utterance.

Our AI text to speech technology delivers thousands of high-quality, human-like voices in 32 languages. Whether you’re looking for a free text to speech solution or a premium voice AI service for commercial projects, our tools can meet your needs

What's been the catalyst for this revolution? The strides made in AI and deep learning algorithms. By dissecting nuances in tone, pitch, and timbre, AI-powered TTS platforms, like ElevenLabs, have crafted voices that not only mimic natural speech but resonate with the very essence of human emotion.

But the transformative power of TTS extends beyond mere sound quality. For businesses, it's a golden key unlocking several doors:

  • Content creation: Brands can now transform blogs, articles, and written materials into engaging audio content, reaching auditory learners and those who prefer listening over reading.
  • Brand identification: With the marvel of voice cloning, companies can now have a consistent brand voice—literally. Be it answering queries or guiding users, this voice becomes an identifier, setting them apart in the cacophony of the digital realm.
  • Interactive chatbots: Customer support and interactions have leaped into the future. Instead of impersonal, typed auto-responses, clients can converse with AI-driven chatbots that speak, comprehend, and assist—all in real time.
  • Multilingual expansion: Distributing content isn't constrained by language barriers anymore. Through extensive language libraries, TTS tools empower businesses to connect with global audiences, articulating messages in tongues that resonate with listeners worldwide.

In a nutshell, the landscape of communication is undergoing a tectonic shift. As TTS technology continues to evolve, businesses and individuals alike stand on the cusp of an auditory renaissance. A new era where words don't just hold meaning—they echo with life.

Key criteria for evaluating TTS software

With the plethora of text-to-speech software available today, selecting the right solution for your needs can be overwhelming.

However, understanding the critical factors that define an exceptional TTS platform will enable you to make an informed decision.

Here are the essential criteria to consider when evaluating your options:

  • Voice quality: At the heart of TTS lies the computer-generated voice. Gone are the days of sterile, robotic tones. Modern users yearn for synthetic voices that mirror the warmth, nuances, and emotions of human speech.

Ask yourself: Does the voice whisk you away with its authenticity, or does it pull you out of the experience with its artificial timbre?

  • Language and accent coverage: Our world sings with a medley of tongues and tones. A premier TTS platform should echo this diversity.

Dive into their repertoire: How vast is their linguistic landscape? Do they capture the rich tapestry of accents, ensuring content resonates across borders?

  • Customizability: No two voices are the same, nor should they be. A robust TTS tool will offer a smorgasbord of customization options, allowing users to tweak voice speed, inflection, pitch, and more. It's about sculpting a voice that's uniquely yours, adapting to different moods and content styles.
  • API and integration: The digital era demands seamless integration. A top-tier TTS solution won't merely function in isolation, it will effortlessly meld into your existing systems and apps.

Delve into their API documentation. Is it robust, intuitive, and well-supported, making the integration process a breeze rather than a battle?

  • Cost: While the allure of features can be intoxicating, the pragmatic side of the equation remains: pricing. Ensure the TTS software offers a value proposition that aligns with your budgetary constraints without skimping on essential features. It's about striking that golden balance between cost and capability.

Equipped with these criteria, you're not just wandering aimlessly. You're on a mission, a quest to unearth the TTS platform that harmonizes with your unique needs, amplifying voices in a symphony of sound and technology.

Leading online TTS solutions in 2023

Having established the pivotal benchmarks for evaluation, let's shift our focus to the frontrunners in the online TTS landscape. These platforms have not only met but often exceeded the criteria, setting the gold standard in text-to-speech technology.

1. Google Cloud text-to-speech

Image: Google

Originating from the tech behemoth's labs, Google Cloud Text-to-Speech harnesses the full might of Google's advanced AI and machine learning technologies. This cloud-based solution boasts an extensive library of voices spanning a multitude of languages, making it a prominent choice for those eyeing global outreach.

Voice quality: One of the undeniable strengths of Google's offering lies in its voice quality. By leveraging Google's vast data resources and pioneering machine learning models, the generated voices exhibit remarkable warmth and naturalness.

When listening, it's often easy to forget you're hearing a computer-generated voice.

Language and accent coverage: Diversity is a watchword here. Google Cloud Text-to-Speech mirrors the global expanse of the internet itself, offering extensive language and accent support, catering to audiences from almost every corner of the globe.

Customizability: Users benefit from deep customization options. From pitch alterations to pacing adjustments, this platform ensures voices are molded to fit diverse contexts and moods.

API and integration: Being cloud-native, it's designed for seamless integration into various applications and systems. Their API is robust and supported by comprehensive documentation, simplifying the integration process.

Cost: While it's a powerhouse in terms of features, the cost can mount for extensive usage, making it essential for potential users to assess the pricing model against their expected volume of content conversion.

Strengths: Extensive language support and deep customization options.

Weaknesses: Cost can be an issue for extensive usage.

2. Amazon Polly

Image: Amazon

Amazon Polly is an integral cog in the expansive machinery of Amazon Web Services (AWS). Designed to metamorphose text into dynamic and lifelike speech, Polly has been a go-to choice for many businesses and developers nestled within the AWS ecosystem.

Voice quality: While Amazon has made strides in the domain of synthesized voice quality, the output from Polly is fairly realistic.

The voices are devoid of the stiltedness often associated with earlier iterations of TTS technologies, delivering clear and pleasant audio experiences. Once again, the sophistication of a computer-generated voice comes to the fore.

Language and accent coverage: Echoing its global footprint, Amazon Polly offers an impressive array of languages and accents. Whether you're reaching out to audiences in North America, Europe, or Asia, Polly ensures your message resonates in the native tongues of your listeners.

Customizability: While Polly offers adjustments in terms of speed and pitch, it falls a tad short when pitted against some competitors in the arena of voice sculpting. Some users may find the customizability options not as extensive or granular as they'd like.

API and integration: One of Polly's standout features is its seamless integration with other AWS services. Given the extensive use of AWS in the business world, this offers a straightforward pathway for those already on-boarded to the Amazon ecosystem.

The API documentation is detailed and user-friendly, paving the way for hassle-free incorporation into diverse projects.

Cost: Being under the AWS umbrella, the pricing model for Polly aligns with the pay-as-you-go philosophy of Amazon. While this can be cost-effective for sporadic users, high-volume users need to be wary of mounting costs, especially if using multiple AWS services concurrently.

Strengths: Easy integration with AWS services, broad language selection.

Weaknesses: Less flexibility for voice customization compared to some competitors.

3. IBM Watson text-to-speech

Image: IBM

An offspring of IBM's revered artificial intelligence lineage, Watson Text to Speech synthesizes the company's rich history in computing and AI. Designed to provide quality speech output, this platform stands out not just for its technical prowess but also for the depth of emotion its voices can convey.

Voice quality: The hallmark of Watson Text to Speech is the naturalness of its generated voices.

Eschewing the monotonic delivery of older TTS systems, Watson offers a sound that's warm, engaging, and eerily reminiscent of human voices. An added feather in its cap is its ability to channel expression, making the speech output more dynamic and contextually relevant.

Language and accent coverage: While Watson does provide a range of languages and accents, it doesn't quite match the extensive libraries of its counterparts at Google and Amazon. However, the languages it does support are rendered with great care and authenticity.

Customizability: Beyond the standard parameters like pitch and speed, Watson's strength lies in its expressive options. Users can craft speech that isn't just technically accurate but also emotionally resonant, be it joy, sorrow, or exuberance.

API and integration: Watson Text to Speech is built for the modern web. Its API is robust and designed for seamless integration into various platforms and systems. Detailed documentation aids developers in ensuring a smooth implementation journey.

Cost: IBM's pricing structure isn’t exactly transparent, an account is required to view the costs, however, you can experience the technology with a free demo.

Potential users should weigh the features against their budgetary constraints, especially when compared with offerings that have broader voice and language selections.

Strengths: Offers expressive options that convey emotions.

Weaknesses: Limited number of voices compared to Google and Amazon.

ElevenLabs: how does it compare?

Image: ElevenLabs

With a unique blend of AI voice cloning and top-tier text-to-speech capabilities, ElevenLabs emerges as a front-runner in the TTS technology landscape. Rooted in a commitment to harness the finest AI for generating lifelike, context-aware audio, the platform promises an unparalleled audio experience.

Voice quality: Drawing from state-of-the-art AI technology, ElevenLabs delivers speech that not only mimics natural human speech but understands and resonates with the nuances of the text.

This heightened level of clarity and quality ensures a premium listening experience at an impeccable 96 kbps output.

Language and accent coverage: Serving a global user base, ElevenLabs’ multilingual capability spans a commendable 28 languages, retaining the unique characteristics and authenticity across each language.

Whether you're conveying nuances or native idioms, the language authenticity is unwavering.

Customizability: From exploring the vast Voice Library to tailoring voice outputs with precision, users are handed the tools to master the perfect audio. Be it adjusting voice settings for clarity, enhancing speaker resemblance, or even accentuating voice styles – ElevenLabs’ platform is built for unmatched expressive delivery.

API and integration: ElevenLabs prides itself on its advanced API, which, combined with ultra-low latency and comprehensive support, provides developers a seamless integration experience.

With streamed audio delivered in under a second and an empowering developer community, integrating ElevenLabs becomes second nature.

Cost: The platform offers a balanced and competitive pricing model, making it an accessible choice for a variety of user segments. This, combined with its advanced features, gives ElevenLabs an edge in the cost-to-feature analysis.

Strengths: The unique Voice Cloning feature stands out, offering users an unparalleled personalized TTS experience. Moreover, the high-quality output, backed by their advanced AI and emotive capabilities, showcases ElevenLabs' commitment to excellence.

Efficient content production, advanced API, and a strong emphasis on contextual TTS further strengthen the platform’s offering.

Weaknesses: While ElevenLabs excels in many areas, potential users might yearn for an even broader voice variety when juxtaposed against mammoth competitors like Google and Amazon.

Unveiling the future of audio with ElevenLabs

As we navigate the age of AI, and its role in the ongoing evolution of text-to-speech technology, certain platforms stand out not just for their innovations but for the experiences they curate.

ElevenLabs is more than just a tool—it's an auditory revolution.

Crafted by enthusiasts committed to pioneering the next wave of AI-driven audio, the platform seamlessly marries exceptional user experience with unwavering ethical AI principles.

Whether you're a seasoned business, a budding content creator, or someone curious about the nuances of TTS, ElevenLabs invites you to a symphony of the future.

Ready to embark on this sonic journey? Dive deeper into ElevenLabs' Text-to-Speech and witness the future unfold.

How’s Eleven different?

How we achieve human delivery even on very long texts is down to the way we’ve built our model. It’s trained to understand what is being said and to adjust delivery accordingly. It does this by taking into account not just the meaning of words but also the context surrounding each utterance.

Traditional speech generation algorithms produce utterances on a sentence-by-sentence basis. This is computationally less demanding but immediately comes across as robotic. Emotions and intonation often need to stretch and resonate across a number of sentences to tie a particular train of thought together. Tone and pacing convey intent which is really what makes speech sound human in the first place. So rather than generate each utterance separately, our model takes the surrounding context into account, maintaining appropriate flow and prosody across the entire generated material. This emotional depth, coupled with prime audio quality, provides users with the most genuine and compelling narrating tool out there.

Generating long-form content with Projects

Projects is our end-to-end workflow for crafting audiobooks in minutes. It offers an unprecedented level of control over your audio creations with the ability to regenerate specific audio chunks, assign different speakers to particular text fragments, directly import multiple format files, and more.

Your comprehensive workflow for turning books into audiobooks and scripts into podcasts

Getting started

Navigating Projects is easy and intuitive.

  1. Select Projects from the top bar menu.
  2. Click Create New Project.
  3. Choose how you’d like to initialize your Project.
  4. Start crafting your text.
  5. Click Convert to render your entire Project at once, or use Play & Regenerate to test specific fragments.

Feature highlights

Projects provides a straightforward user experience, akin to using Google Docs, with an intuitive, user-centric interface supporting a variety of editing features:

  1. Full conversion: Use a single button to render your entire Project at once, or use Play & Regenerate to test specific fragments.
  2. Speaker Assignment: Assign different text fragments to various speakers; choose default voices for headings and paragraphs.
  3. Regenerate Audio Fragments: Seamlessly regenerate specific segments within larger audio fragments while keeping context intact.
  4. Insert pauses (coming later this week): Manually adjust the length of pauses (up to 3s initially) between speech segments to fine-tune pacing.
  5. Segment by chapter: Structure your text into sections to focus on a particular fragment one at a time.
  6. Save and Resume Progress: Conveniently pause your work and resume right where you left off.
  7. Import files: Projects supports .epub, .pdf and .txt files, as well as URLs for more streamlined workflow
  8. Intelligent re-generation: When resuming work on an already generated project, you will only be charged for regenerating altered fragments, not the entire project


Projects stands alongside Speech Synthesis, VoiceLab, and Voice Library, serving as a comprehensive solution for long-form audio synthesis. Additionally, it's seamlessly integrated with Professional Voice Cloning, Voice Library, and our multilingual model.

  • Professional Voice Cloning: generate long-form audio content in your own voice. You can also share your pro voice clone via Voice Library and earn character rewards when others create projects using your voice.
  • Voice Library: Choose the perfect voice for your narrative from the countless voices created by our community.
  • Eleven Multilingual: Whether you choose a pre-made voice, a cloned voice or your own voice, you can seamlessly have them speak all the languages supported by our multilingual model.

Broadening Horizons: Our New Multilingual Model

At ElevenLabs, our commitment to innovation has led to the launch of a new multilingual model. This allows the same narrative to be translated and vocalized in up to 28 languages. For publishers, this means unprecedented global reach, with stories resonating across different cultures and regions, all in a consistent and unified voice.

Supported languages now include: English, Korean, Dutch, Chinese, Turkish, Swedish, Indonesian, Filipino, Japanese, Ukrainian, Greek, Czech, Finnish, Romanian, Danish, Bulgarian, Malay, Slovak, Croatian, Classic Arabic, Polish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Hindi, Portuguese, and Tamil.

Voice Design: Crafting Unique Narratives

Our proprietary Voice Design tool provides a transformative experience for publishers. It facilitates the creation of completely unique voices based on selected parameters, such as age, gender and accent. Every generated voice is unique, ensuring that publishers can choose a particular voice to become synonymous with their brand or publication.

Efficiency through Professional Voice Cloning

Professional Voice Cloning (PVC) technology at ElevenLabs offers another layer of customization. By cloning the voices of a publication's reporters, we can produce audio stories in their unique tones. This not only provides authenticity but also significantly reduces costs and time spent on traditional recording processes. What's more, our multilingual model is compatible with Professional Voice Cloning, ensuring that a reporter's voice can now speak all the supported languages.

Automate video voiceovers, ad reads, podcasts, and more, in your own voice

Listen to a podcast episode generated with our Professional Voice Cloning tool:

How Publishers Can Benefit from Voice Cloning

For publishers, Professional Voice Cloning (PVC) offers numerous advantages:

  1. Distinctive Brand Voice: By cloning a unique voice, publishers can establish a recognizable auditory brand, setting their content apart.
  2. Content Consistency: Voice cloning ensures a consistent vocal style across multiple articles and publications without needing different voice actors.
  3. Efficiency: Need a voice-over revision? Instead of re-recording, just generate the required narration with the cloned voice, saving time and maintaining uniformity.
  4. Enhanced Engagement: For global readership, a familiar cloned voice enhances connection and trust in the content.

When combined with Text to Voice technology, publishers are equipped with a state-of-the-art toolkit to produce rich, varied, and global auditory content. Adopting the capabilities of Professional Voice cloning Technology is a progressive move for publishers, opening a myriad of opportunities.

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