Speech to Text

  • ElevenLabs launched a new state of the art Speech to Text API available in 99 languages.

Text to Speech

  • Speed control: Added speed control to the Text to Speech API.


  • Auto-assigned projects: Increased token limits for auto-assigned projects from 1 month to 3 months worth of tokens, addressing user feedback about working on longer projects.
  • Language detection: Added automatic language detection when generating audio for the first time, with suggestions to switch to Eleven Turbo v2.5 for languages not supported by Multilingual v2 (Hungarian, Norwegian, Vietnamese).
  • Project export: Enhanced project exporting in ElevenReader with better metadata tracking.


  • Clip overlap prevention: Added automatic trimming of overlapping clips in dubbing jobs to ensure clean audio tracks for each speaker and language.

Voice Management

  • Instant Voice Cloning: Improved preview generation for Instant Voice Cloning v2, making previews available immediately.

Conversational AI

  • Agent ownership: Added display of agent creators in the agent list, improving visibility and management of shared agents.

Web app

  • Dark mode: Added dark mode to the web app.