Add from file
Creates a new pronunciation dictionary from a lexicon .PLS file
Adding a pronunciation dictionary
Here is some example code for uploading a pronunciation dictionary and printing the response pronunciation_dictionary_id
and version_id
. You’ll require these identifiers in the request body if you intend to use pronunciation_dictionary_locators
All you will need to do is replace API_KEY_HERE
with your actual API key and PATH_HERE
with the actual path to the PLS file you want to upload.
If you need help in understanding how to properly format a PLS / pronunciation dictionary, please refer to the guide here.
import requests
import os
# Define your API key and the base URL for the Eleven Labs API
# Setup the headers for HTTP requests to include the API key and accept JSON responses
headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"xi-api-key": XI_API_KEY
def upload_pronunciation_dictionary(file_path, name, description):
Uploads a pronunciation dictionary file to the Eleven Labs API and returns its ID and version ID.
- file_path: The local path to the pronunciation dictionary file.
- name: A name for the pronunciation dictionary.
- description: A description of the pronunciation dictionary.
A tuple containing the pronunciation dictionary ID and version ID if successful, None otherwise.
# Construct the URL for adding a pronunciation dictionary from a file
url = f"{BASE_URL}/pronunciation-dictionaries/add-from-file"
# Prepare the file and data to be sent in the request
files = {'file': open(file_path, 'rb')}
data = {'name': name, 'description': description}
# Make the POST request to upload the dictionary
response =, headers=headers, files=files, data=data)
# Handle the response
if response.status_code == 200:
# Parse the response JSON to get the pronunciation dictionary and version IDs
data = response.json()
pronunciation_dictionary_id = data.get('id')
version_id = data.get('version_id')
# Return the IDs
return pronunciation_dictionary_id, version_id
# Print an error message if the request failed
print("Error:", response.status_code)
return None, None
def main():
The main function to upload a pronunciation dictionary.
# Define the path to your pronunciation dictionary file and its metadata
file_path = r"PATH_HERE"
name = "Your Pronunciation Dictionary"
description = "My custom pronunciation dictionary"
# Upload the pronunciation dictionary and receive its ID and version ID
pronunciation_dictionary_id, version_id = upload_pronunciation_dictionary(file_path, name, description)
# Check if the upload was successful
if pronunciation_dictionary_id and version_id:
print("Pronunciation Dictionary Uploaded Successfully!")
print("Pronunciation Dictionary ID:", pronunciation_dictionary_id)
print("Version ID:", version_id)
print("Failed to upload pronunciation dictionary.")
# Ensure this script block runs only when executed as a script, not when imported
if __name__ == "__main__":
Using a pronunciation dictionary
Here is some example code on how to use these identifiers or locators in your text-to-speech call.
import requests
# Set your API key and base URL
# Headers for the request
headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"xi-api-key": XI_API_KEY
def text_to_speech(text, pronunciation_dictionary_id, version_id):
Sends a text to speech request using a pronunciation dictionary.
An audio file.
# Define the URL for the text-to-speech endpoint
url = f"{BASE_URL}/text-to-speech/{VOICE_ID}"
# Payload for the request
payload = {
"model_id": "eleven_monolingual_v1",
"pronunciation_dictionary_locators": [
"pronunciation_dictionary_id": pronunciation_dictionary_id,
"version_id": version_id
"text": text,
"voice_settings": {
"stability": 0.5,
"similarity_boost": 0.8,
"style": 0.0,
"use_speaker_boost": True
# Make the POST request
response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
# Check the response status
if response.status_code == 200:
# Here you can save the audio response to a file if needed
print("Audio file generated successfully.")
# Save the audio to a file
with open("output_audio.mp3", "wb") as audio_file:
print("Error:", response.status_code)
def main():
# Example text and dictionary IDs (replace with actual values)
text = "Hello, world! I can now use pronunciation dictionaries."
pronunciation_dictionary_id = "PD_ID_HERE"
version_id = "VERSION_ID_HERE"
# Call the text to speech function
text_to_speech(text, pronunciation_dictionary_id, version_id)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.
The name of the pronunciation dictionary, used for identification only.
A lexicon .pls file which we will use to initialize the project with.
A description of the pronunciation dictionary, used for identification only.
Should be one of 'editor' or 'viewer'. If not provided, defaults to no access.
, editor
, viewer