Generate A Random Voice
Generate a random voice based on parameters. This method returns a generated_voice_id in the response header, and a sample of the voice in the body. If you like the generated voice call /v1/voice-generation/create-voice with the generated_voice_id to create the voice.
Your API key. This is required by most endpoints to access our API programatically. You can view your xi-api-key using the 'Profile' tab on the website.
Category code corresponding to the gender of the generated voice. Possible values: female, male.
, male
Category code corresponding to the accent of the generated voice. Possible values: american, british, african, australian, indian.
Category code corresponding to the age of the generated voice. Possible values: young, middle_aged, old.
, middle_aged
, old
The strength of the accent of the generated voice. Has to be between 0.3 and 2.0.
Text to use for generating the voice preview. Text length has to be between 100 and 1000.
100 - 1000
The response is of type file
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