Updates Studio project metadata.
The ID of the project to be used. You can use the List projects endpoint to list all the available projects.
The name of the Studio project, used for identification only.
The voice_id that corresponds to the default voice used for new titles.
The voice_id that corresponds to the default voice used for new paragraphs.
An optional name of the author of the Studio project, this will be added as metadata to the mp3 file on Studio project or chapter download.
An optional ISBN number of the Studio project you want to create, this will be added as metadata to the mp3 file on Studio project or chapter download.
When the Studio project is downloaded, should the returned audio have postprocessing in order to make it compliant with audiobook normalized volume requirements
[Depracated] Whether to run quality check on the generated audio and regenerate if needed. Applies to individual block conversion.
Successful Response