Elevate your projects with this guide into the Voiceover Studio.
Similar to the Dubbing Studio, the new Voiceover studio gives users an opportunity to create their own interactive content, but with a little more freedom. Voiceover Studio combines the audio timeline with our Sound Effects feature, giving you the ability to write a dialogue between any number of speakers, choose those speakers, and intertwine your own creative sound effects anywhere you like.
Creating a Voiceover
To begin, you first have the option to upload a video or to create your Voiceover from scratch. After that, it’s as simple as pressing “Create Studio” - you can name your Voiceover before or after it’s created. Once in the Studio, you will notice it looks very similar to a Dubbing Studio project - and it is - with some notable additions. Let’s briefly revisit the layout -
On the bottom half of your screen, you will see the audio timeline. This is a linear representation of your Voiceover project. Each row represents a track, and on the far left section you have track information Voiceover or SFX track. In the middle, you can create the clips that represent when a voice is speaking or a SFX is playing. On the right-hand side, you have the settings for the currently selected clip.
Speaker Cards
In Dubbing Studio, the AI creates the Speaker Cards automatically - in Voiceover Studio, you get to create these on your own! Because of this, your Voiceover Project screen will begin blank after creation, and you will need to first add Tracks and Clips.
Adding Tracks
There are two types of tracks you can add in the studio: Voiceover tracks and SFX tracks.
Voiceover Tracks: Voiceover tracks create new Speakers. You can click and add clips on the timeline wherever you like. After creating a clip, start writing your desired text on the speaker cards above and click “Generate”. Similar to Dubbing Studio, you will also see a little cogwheel on each Speaker track - simply click on it to adjust the voice settings or replace any speaker with a voice directly from your VoiceLab - including your own Professional Voice Clone if you have created one.
SFX Tracks: Add a SFX track, then click anywhere on that track to create a SFX clip. Similar to our independent SFX feature, simply start writing your prompt in the Speaker card above and click “Generate” to create your new SFX audio. You can lengthen or shorten SFX clips and move them freely around your timeline to fit your project - make sure to press the “stale” button if you do so.
Track Features
Once you’ve created a new Voiceover Track, you will see on the left-hand side of each track that you have a few options. You can also click directly on “New Voiceover Speaker” to rename it to keep yourself more organized.
By clicking the small Headphones icon on either a Speaker or SFX track, you can “solo” that track which will mute all other tracks on playback. If you want to delete a track, simply click the three small dots next to the Headphones icon on the track.
Key Differences from Dubbing Studio
If you chose not to upload a video when you created your Voiceover project, then the entire timeline is yours to work with and there are no time constraints. This differs from Dubbing Studio as it gives you a lot more freedom to create what you want and adjust the timing more easily.
When you Add a Voiceover Track, you will instantly be able to create clips on your timeline. Once you create a Voiceover clip, begin by writing in the Speaker Card above. After generating that audio, you will notice your clip on the timeline will automatically adjust its length based on the text prompt - this is called “Dynamic Generation”. This option is also available in Dubbing Studio by right-clicking specific clips, but because syncing is more important with dubbed videos, the default generation type there is “Fixed Generation,” meaning the clips’ lengths are not affected.
Quota Costs
Voicover Studio does not deduct any quota to create your initial project. Quota is deducted every time material is generated. Similar to Speech-Synthesis, Quota costs for Voiceover Clips are based on the length of the text prompt. SFX clips will deduct 100 quota per generation.
If you choose to Dub (translate) your Voiceover Project into different languages, this will also cost additional quota depending on how much material needs to be generated.
Translating and Exporting
Similar to Dubbing Studio, after you’ve finished creating your Tracks and Clips and you’ve arranged them on the Timeline, you can click the “plus” icon on the bottom of the page to Dub your Voiceover into different languages. Click to add the desired language(s), and then make sure to generate by pressing “Generate Stale Audio” on the bottom right.
To export your Voiceover Project, simply click the “export” button on the bottom right and choose your desired file type.