Add a generated voice to the voice library.
Name to use for the created voice.
Description to use for the created voice.
The generated_voice_id to create, call POST /v1/text-to-voice/create-previews and fetch the generated_voice_id from the response header if don’t have one yet.
Optional, metadata to add to the created voice. Defaults to None.
List of voice ids that the user has played but not selected. Used for RLHF.
Successful Response
The ID of the voice.
The name of the voice.
The category of the voice.
Labels associated with the voice.
The tiers the voice is available for.
The base model IDs for high-quality voices.
List of samples associated with the voice.
Fine-tuning information for the voice.
The description of the voice.
The preview URL of the voice.
The settings of the voice.
The sharing information of the voice.
The verified languages of the voice.
The safety controls of the voice.
The voice verification of the voice.
The permission on the resource of the voice.
Whether the voice is owned by the user.
Whether the voice is legacy.
Whether the voice is mixed.
The creation time of the voice in Unix time.