Create podcast


Create and auto-convert a podcast project. Currently, the LLM cost is covered by us. In the future, this cost will be passed onto you.


This endpoint expects an object.

The model_id of the model to be used for this project, you can query GET to list all available models.


The type of podcast to generate


The source content for the Podcast.

quality_presetenumOptionalDefaults to standard
Allowed values: standardhighhighestultraultra_lossless

Output quality of the generated audio. Must be one of: standard - standard output format, 128kbps with 44.1kHz sample rate. high - high quality output format, 192kbps with 44.1kHz sample rate and major improvements on our side. Using this setting increases the credit cost by 20%. ultra - ultra quality output format, 192kbps with 44.1kHz sample rate and highest improvements on our side. Using this setting increases the credit cost by 50%. ultra lossless - ultra quality output format, 705.6kbps with 44.1kHz sample rate and highest improvements on our side in a fully lossless format. Using this setting increases the credit cost by 100%.

duration_scaleenumOptionalDefaults to default
Allowed values: shortdefaultlong

Duration of the generated podcast. Must be one of: short - produces podcasts shorter than 3 minutes. default - produces podcasts roughly between 3-7 minutes. long - prodces podcasts longer than 7 minutes.

languagestringOptional=2 characters

An optional language of the project. Two-letter language code (ISO 639-1).

highlightslist of stringsOptional

A brief summary or highlights of the project’s content, providing key points or themes. This should be between 10 and 70 characters.


A url that will be called by our service when the project is converted with a json containing the status of the conversion


Successful Response



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