# ElevenLabs ## Docs - [Add Chapter To A Project](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/add-chapter): Creates a new chapter either as blank or from a URL. - [Add Project](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/add-project): Creates a new project, it can be either initialized as blank, from a document or from a URL. - [Add Sharing Voice](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/add-shared-voice): Add a sharing voice to your collection of voices in VoiceLab. - [Add Voice](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/add-voice): Add a new voice to your collection of voices in VoiceLab. - [Audio Isolation](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/audio-isolation): Removes background noise from audio - [Audio Isolation Stream](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/audio-isolation-stream): Removes background noise from audio and streams the result - [Convert Chapter](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/convert-chapter): Starts conversion of a specific chapter. - [Convert Project](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/convert-project): Starts conversion of a project and all of its chapters. - [Dub A Video Or An Audio File](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/create-dub): Dubs provided audio or video file into given language. - [Creates Audionative Enabled Project.](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/creates-audionative-enabled-project): Creates AudioNative enabled project, optionally starts conversion and returns project id and embeddable html snippet. - [Delete Chapter](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/delete-chapter): Delete a chapter by its chapter_id. - [Delete Dubbing Project](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/delete-dub): Deletes a dubbing project. - [Delete History Item](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/delete-history-item): Delete a history item by its ID - [Delete Project](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/delete-project): Delete a project by its project_id. - [Delete Sample](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/delete-sample): Removes a sample by its ID. - [Delete Voice](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/delete-voice): Deletes a voice by its ID. - [Download History Items](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/download-history-items): Download one or more history items. If one history item ID is provided, we will return a single audio file. If more than one history item IDs are provided, we will provide the history items packed into a .zip file. - [Edit Voice](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/edit-voice): Edit a voice created by you. - [Edit Voice Settings](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/edit-voice-settings): Edit your settings for a specific voice. "similarity_boost" corresponds to"Clarity + Similarity Enhancement" in the web app and "stability" corresponds to "Stability" slider in the web app. - [Generate A Random Voice](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/generate-voice): Generate a random voice based on parameters. This method returns a generated_voice_id in the response header, and a sample of the voice in the body. If you like the generated voice call /v1/voice-generation/create-voice with the generated_voice_id to create the voice. - [Voice Generation Parameters](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/generate-voice-parameters): Get possible parameters for the /v1/voice-generation/generate-voice endpoint. - [Get Audio From History Item](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-audio-from-history-item): Returns the audio of an history item. - [Get Audio From Sample](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-audio-from-sample): Returns the audio corresponding to a sample attached to a voice. - [Get Chapter By Id](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-chapter-by-id): Returns information about a specific chapter. - [Get Chapter Snapshots](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-chapter-snapshots): Gets information about all the snapshots of a chapter, each snapshot corresponds can be downloaded as audio. Whenever a chapter is converted a snapshot will be automatically created. - [Get Chapters](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-chapters): Returns a list of your chapters for a project together and its metadata. - [Get Default Voice Settings.](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-default-voice-settings): Gets the default settings for voices. "similarity_boost" corresponds to"Clarity + Similarity Enhancement" in the web app and "stability" corresponds to "Stability" slider in the web app. - [Get Dubbed File](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-dubbed-file): Returns dubbed file as a streamed file. Videos will be returned in MP4 format and audio only dubs will be returned in MP3. - [Get Dubbing Project Metadata](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-dubbing-metadata): Returns metadata about a dubbing project, including whether it's still in progress or not - [Get Transcript For Dub](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-dubbing-transcript): Returns transcript for the dub as an SRT file. - [Get Generated Items](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-generated-items): Returns metadata about all your generated audio. - [Get History Item By Id](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-history-item-by-id): Returns information about an history item by its ID. - [Get Models](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-models): Gets a list of available models. - [Get Project By Id](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-project-by-id): Returns information about a specific project. This endpoint returns more detailed information about a project than GET api.elevenlabs.io/v1/projects. - [Get Project Snapshots](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-project-snapshots): Gets the snapshots of a project. - [Get Projects](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-projects): Returns a list of your projects together and its metadata. - [Get User Info](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-user-info): Gets information about the user - [Get User Subscription Info](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-user-subscription-info): Gets extended information about the users subscription - [Get Voice](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-voice): Returns metadata about a specific voice. - [Get Voice Settings](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-voice-settings): Returns the settings for a specific voice. "similarity_boost" corresponds to"Clarity + Similarity Enhancement" in the web app and "stability" corresponds to "Stability" slider in the web app. - [Get Voices](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/get-voices): Gets a list of all available voices for a user. - [API Reference Overview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/overview): Overview of ElevenLabs API endpoints and capabilities - [Add from file](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/pronunciation-dictionaries-add-from-file): Creates a new pronunciation dictionary from a lexicon .PLS file - [Get dictionary by id](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/pronunciation-dictionaries-id): Get metadata for a pronunciation dictionary - [Add rules](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/pronunciation-dictionaries-id-add-rules): Add rules to the pronunciation dictionary - [Remove rules](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/pronunciation-dictionaries-id-remove-rules): Remove rules from the pronunciation dictionary - [Download version by id](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/pronunciation-dictionaries-id-version_id-download): Get PLS file with a pronunciation dictionary version rules - [Get dictionaries](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/pronunciation-dictionaries-list): Get a list of the pronunciation dictionaries you have access to and their metadata - [Get Voices](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/query-library): Gets a list of shared voices. - [Node Library](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/sdk-node) - [Python Library](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/sdk-python) - [Sound Generation](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/sound-generation): API that converts text into sounds & uses the most advanced AI audio model ever. Create sound effects for your videos, voice-overs or video games. - [Speech To Speech](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/speech-to-speech): Use Speech to Speech API to transform uploaded speech so it sounds like it was spoken by another voice. STS gives you full control over the emotions, timing and delivery. - [Streaming](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/speech-to-speech-streaming): Create speech by combining the content and emotion of the uploaded audio with a voice of your choice and returns an audio stream. - [Stream Chapter Audio](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/stream-chapter-audio): Stream the audio from a chapter snapshot. Use `GET /v1/projects/{project_id}/chapters/{chapter_id}/snapshots` to return the chapter snapshots of a chapter. - [Stream Project Audio](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/stream-project-audio): Stream the audio from a project snapshot. - [Text To Speech Streaming](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/streaming): Converts text into speech using a voice of your choice and returns audio as an audio stream. - [Text To Speech Streaming With Timestamps](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/streaming-with-timestamps): Converts text into audio together with timestamps on when which word was spoken in a streaming way. - [Text To Speech](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/text-to-speech): API that converts text into lifelike speech with best-in-class latency & uses the most advanced AI audio model ever. Create voiceovers for your videos, audiobooks, or create AI chatbots for free. - [Text To Speech With Timestamps](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/text-to-speech-with-timestamps): Converts text into audio together with timestamps on when which word was spoken. - [Generate Voice Previews From Description](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/ttv-create-previews): Generate custom voice previews based on provided voice description. The response includes a list of voice previews, each containing an id and a sample of the voice audio. If you like the voice preview and want to create a permanent voice, call `/v1/text-to-voice/create-voice-from-preview` with the corresponding voice id. - [Create Voice From Voice Preview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/ttv-create-voice-from-preview): Create a new voice from previously generated voice preview. This endpoint should be called after you fetched a `generated_voice_id` using `/v1/text-to-voice/create-previews`. - [Update Pronunciation Dictionaries](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/update-pronunciation-dictionaries): Updates the set of pronunciation dictionaries acting on a project. This will automatically mark text within this project as requiring reconverting where the new dictionary would apply or the old one no longer does. - [Get Characters Usage Metrics](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/usage-get-character-stats): Returns the credit usage metrics for the current user or the entire workspace they are part of. The response will return a time axis with unix timestamps for each day and daily usage along that axis. The usage will be broken down by the specified breakdown type. For example, breakdown type "voice" will return the usage of each voice along the time axis. - [Websockets](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/websockets) - [Delete Existing Invitation](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/workspace-delete-invite): Invalidates an existing email invitation. The invitation will still show up in the inbox it has been delivered to, but activating it to join the workspace won't work. This endpoint may only be called by workspace administrators. - [Invite User](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/workspace-invite-user): Sends an email invitation to join your workspace to the provided email. If the user doesn't have an account they will be prompted to create one. If the user accepts this invite they will be added as a user to your workspace and your subscription using one of your seats. This endpoint may only be called by workspace administrators. - [Update Member](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/api-reference/workspace-update-member): Updates attributes of a workspace member. Apart from the email identifier, all parameters will remain unchanged unless specified. This endpoint may only be called by workspace administrators. - [Product Updates](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/changelog/product-updates): New updates and improvements - [Delete Agent](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/api-reference/delete-conversational-ai-agent): Delete an agent - [Get Agent](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/api-reference/get-conversational-ai-agent): Retrieve config for an agent - [Get Agents](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/api-reference/get-conversational-ai-agents): Returns a page of your agents and their metadata. - [Get Conversations](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/api-reference/get-conversational-ai-conversation): Get all conversations of agents that user owns. With option to restrict to a specific agent. - [Get Conversation Audio](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/api-reference/get-conversational-ai-conversation-audio): Get the audio recording of a particular conversation - [Get Conversation Details](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/api-reference/get-conversational-ai-conversations): Get the details of a particular conversation - [Get Knowledge Base Document](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/api-reference/get-conversational-ai-knowledge-base-document): Get details about a specific documentation making up the agent's knowledge base - [Get Signed URL](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/api-reference/get-conversational-ai-signed-url): Get a signed url to start a conversation with an agent with an agent that requires authorization - [Get Widget](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/api-reference/get-conversational-ai-widget): Retrieve the widget configuration for an agent - [Update Agent](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/api-reference/patch-conversational-ai-agent): Patches an Agent settings - [Create Agent](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/api-reference/post-conversational-ai-agent): Create an agent from a config object - [Create Knowledge Base Document](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/api-reference/post-conversational-ai-knowledge-base-document): Uploads a file or reference a webpage for the agent to use as part of it's knowledge base - [Create Agent Avatar](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/api-reference/post-conversational-ai-widget-avatar): Sets the avatar for an agent displayed in the widget - [WebSocket](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/api-reference/websocket): Create real-time, interactive voice conversations with AI agents - [Custom LLM Integration](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/customization/byollm): Guide for using your own LLM or server with ElevenLabs SDK. - [Knowledge Base](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/customization/knowledge-base): Learn how to enhance your conversational agent with custom knowledge - [Tools](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/customization/tools): Provide your agent with real time information and the ability to take action in third party apps with external function calls. - [Agent Setup](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/docs/agent-setup): Deploy customized, conversational voice agents in minutes. - [Introduction](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/docs/introduction): Deploy customized, conversational voice agents in minutes. - [Next.JS](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/guides/conversational-ai-guide-nextjs): Learn how to create a web application that enables voice conversations with ElevenLabs AI agents - [Vite (Javascript)](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/guides/conversational-ai-guide-vite): Learn how to create a web application that enables voice conversations with ElevenLabs AI agents - [Twilio Integration](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/guides/conversational-ai-twilio): Guide for integrating Twilio Voice with Conversational AI. - [JavaScript SDK](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/libraries/conversational-ai-sdk-js): Conversational AI SDK: deploy customized, interactive voice agents in minutes. - [Python SDK](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/libraries/conversational-ai-sdk-python): Conversational AI SDK: deploy customized, interactive voice agents in minutes. - [React SDK](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/libraries/conversational-ai-sdk-react): Conversational AI SDK: deploy customized, interactive voice agents in minutes. - [iOS SDK](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/conversational-ai/libraries/conversational-ai-sdk-swift): Conversational AI SDK: deploy customized, interactive voice agents in your Swift applications. - [Project Examples](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/developer-guides/github-examples) - [How to dub video and audio with ElevenLabs](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/developer-guides/how-to-dub-a-video): Learn how to automate the dubbing of audio and video files into various languages using the ElevenLabs API - [How to Use Pronunciation Dictionaries](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/developer-guides/how-to-use-pronunciation-dictionaries): How to add, view, and remove rules to pronunciation dictionaries with the Python SDK - [Combine Multiple Generations](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/developer-guides/how-to-use-request-stitching): Learn how to keep your voice stable across multiple generations - [How to Use the Text to Sound Effects API](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/developer-guides/how-to-use-text-to-sound-effects): Learn how to use the text to sound effects API to generate sound effects from text. - [How to use text to speech with streaming in Python or Node.js](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/developer-guides/how-to-use-tts-with-streaming): How to convert text into speech, upload to S3, and share with a signed URL - [How to use text-to-speech with websocket streaming in Python or Node.js](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/developer-guides/how-to-use-websocket): How to convert text to speech via websocket and save to mp3 - [How to send an AI message through a phone call using Twilio and ElevenLabs in Node.js](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/developer-guides/integrating-with-twilio) - [Models](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/developer-guides/models) - [Quickstart](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/developer-guides/quickstart): Start generating your first text-to-speech using Python and ElevenLabs API - [Reducing Latency](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/developer-guides/reducing-latency): Seven methods for reducing streaming latency, in order of highest to lowest effectiveness: - [Specifying Server Location](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/developer-guides/specifying-server-location): How to control the server location for your requests - [How to set up an ElevenLabs audio player for your articles in React (Next.js, Vite)](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/audio-native/audio-native-react) - [How to set up an ElevenLabs audio player for your articles in Framer](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/audio-native/framer) - [How to set up an ElevenLabs audio player for your articles in Ghost](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/audio-native/ghost) - [Overview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/audio-native/overview) - [How to set up an ElevenLabs audio player for your articles in Squarespace](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/audio-native/squarespace) - [How to add an ElevenLabs voiceover to your articles in Substack](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/audio-native/substack) - [How to set up an ElevenLabs audio player for your articles in Webflow](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/audio-native/webflow) - [How to set up an ElevenLabs audio player for your articles in Wix](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/audio-native/wix) - [How to set up an ElevenLabs audio player for your articles in Wordpress](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/audio-native/wordpress) - [Overview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/dubbing/overview): Dubbing made easy: reach a broader audience with ElevenLabs. - [Studio](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/dubbing/studio): The ultimate end-to-end workflow for creating amazing dubs. - [Creating an Account](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/guides/creating-the-account) - [Dubbing: Multilingual Support](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/guides/dubbing) - [Overview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/guides/getting-started): Step by step worflow guides. - [Understanding the Platform Landing Page](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/guides/landing-page) - [Projects: Managing Long-Form Content](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/guides/projects) - [Sound Effects: From Text to Sounds](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/guides/sound-effects) - [Speech Synthesis: Generating Audio](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/guides/speech-synthesis) - [Voiceover Studio](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/guides/voiceover-studio) - [Voices: Managing your Voices](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/guides/voices) - [Workspaces: Collaborating with your team](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/guides/workspace) - [Introduction](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/introduction): Explore our Guides and API Reference to get the most out of ElevenLabs. - [Overview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/projects/overview): An in-depth overview of using Projects - [Overview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/sound-effects/overview): Get the most out of our Sound Effects Generator tool and learn how to create everything from blockbuster sound design for films to everyday sounds for your video game. - [Model Selection](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/speech-synthesis/models) - [Overview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/speech-synthesis/overview): A guide on how to generate voiceovers using your voice on ElevenLabs. - [Prompting](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/speech-synthesis/prompting): Effective techniques to guide ElevenLabs AI in adding pauses, conveying emotions, and pacing the speech. - [Overview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/speech-synthesis/speech-to-speech): A guide on using our voice changer tool for the most natural-sounding speech-to-speech conversion - [Voice Selection](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/speech-synthesis/voice-selection) - [Voice Settings](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/speech-synthesis/voice-settings) - [Overview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/troubleshooting/overview): General troubleshooting guide and overview for some issues we've seen. - [Overview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/voiceover-studio/overview): Elevate your projects with this guide into the Voiceover Studio. - [Default Voices](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/voices/default-voices): A curated set of voices for our core use cases. - [Overview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/voices/overview): Discover all the voices ElevenLabs has to offer - [Step-by-step Guide](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/voices/pvc-step-by-step-guide): Step-by-step guide to creating the highest quality voice clone available - [Instant Voice Cloning](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/voices/voice-lab/instant-voice-cloning): Guide for getting the most out of you cloned voices. - [Overview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/voices/voice-lab/overview): Learn more about My Voices - [Professional Voice Cloning](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/voices/voice-lab/professional-voice-cloning): Guide to getting the highest quality voice clone available. - [Voice Design](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/voices/voice-lab/voice-design): Generate a unique voice from a text prompt. - [Overview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/voices/voice-library/overview): Discover AI voices from the ElevenLabs community - [Payouts](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/voices/voice-library/payouts): Earn rewards for sharing voices in the Voice Library - [Sharing Voices](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/voices/voice-library/sharing): Learn how to share voices in the Voice Library. - [Overview](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/workspace/overview): An overview on how teams can collaborate in a shared workspace. - [SSO Setup](https://elevenlabs.io/docs/product/workspace/sso_setup): An overview on how to setup SSO (Single Sign-On) for your team. ## Optional - [Community](https://discord.gg/elevenlabs)